Monday, January 30, 2006

Would you mind?

I spent a good two hours walking around downtown Pittsburgh by myself today. Cities are interesting; I love them. So much goes on. Saw a lot to buy but managed only to splurge on a much needed lb. of espresso beans and an artzy Bodum espresso cup. I have an intense addiction to caffiene and i should probably quit, but it's too good.

HAH! Emeril is making fish tacos. When I was a sophmore I doubled up science courses to take Chem I, which put me in with all upper classmen. One of the girls in our class had some american eagle made up wannabe vintage restaurant shirt that said something about fish tacos. My lab partner informed me what a fish taco really was. She never wore that shirt again. Ohh, 10th grade was a fun year.

Not really looking forward to coming home anytime soon. Riding out here is much too fun.

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