"but pepperoni, try deportation"
"amoeba congressman singular"
"Onofredo some, deface the arisen"

"not failure some willa"
What happens when you take heavily reused clay, wax resist, high fire glaze and multiply it by a freako high school art teacher? Bam. A scary looking piece of dirt.
This was only the first time ive ever worked with clay. My current projects are damn better. A box with Roy Lichtenstein's Crying Girl scraffito'ed into the four sides. (i split the picture into 4 parts and did one quarter on each side of the box.) And a fok face jug that originated from something like this.
Work has sarted at the big Chili pepper and it seems like a fun place to work. I dont think i will ever have to worry about being understaffed or anything like that. They ruined my much anticipated philadelphia visit because i have to be there for training, but we get to eat all of the cooks' practice.
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