Saturday, February 25, 2006

I dont really like late nights alone like this, but I am unable to sleep right now so what better thing to do than post my numb ramblings in here. The countdown begins, less than two months to the first hee-haw gid-up of the year. Michaux AND French Creek, two races in one weekend for the very first race(s) of the season. Both are fairly long, and both are fairly technical because of course everyone thinks Michaux is the hardest race on the east coast. Too bad it's the easiest. It'd be nice to have bigger wheels by then.

I really love the Grateful Dead. Not to be cliche hippie, but for some reason i find them to be quite appealing. Kashi thinks they are too country, but I don't. Just so long as i can stay away from tye-dye and patchouli...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Olympicly Intoxicated

This is the first time this year (other than clips on the overhead tv's at the gym) that I've watched the olympics. I dont really find them that interesting, I would rather go out and slide on my own snowboard, but I haven't yet seen enough of them to say they are boring. It would have been so cool to see the ancient Grecian Olympics, it's really too bad that they don't do any sort of fighting events today.Hah! Those guys must have been tougher than, um, railroad ties, yeah; tough. I found out that i really like swimming laps. It's pretty hard, especially since most of the work is done just to keep my skinny self afloat, but its great cardio and a lot of fun. I suppose i should spend more time on the bicycle, but it's hard sometimes with work and school and trying to start planning for college. It's getting close, yesterday i decided that i am going to live in the South Halls during summer ses. Sounded pretty cool, there's a coffee shop, some athlete-oriented dining hall called "Healthy Horizons" and it's close to main drag State College. My list for essential-to-survival items has started with so far:
1. the Espresso machine
2. the Bicycle
3. the Laptop
4. the iPod
and will continue to grow, but learing to live minimalist might be difficult.
I hope there is a Whole Food Store in State College that i might get employment with. Working at the local health nut store has paid off more than i could have ever asked for. I'm always coming home with something whether it's produce that's not pretty enough for the shelf of a bottle of salad dressing with a crack in the lid. Tonight's spoils were 2 lbs of crimini mushrooms. I was also gifted with a student's vegetarian cookbook which should have a recepie to use up some of these mushrooms. I dont see any reason for me to become a vegetarian in the near future, but i hope to be able to cook tasty meatless dishes for my veggie princess.

The bobsled has come on, that looks insane. A couple of guys in a rickety sled going did i hear 80 mph!? down a tunnel of ice. That takes some balls. There's way too much fluff though, who wants to hear about some hometown football jock during the winter olympics?
Time to look for more scholarships.

Friday, February 17, 2006


So much lately i've felt that i need to do something huge with my life. I'm not sure what has provoked this desire, probably the fact that before I know it I'm going to have to be taking care of myself and wiping my own ass, but I've been thinking a lot about the things that I used to dream about doing. When you're a kid you dream about becoming something big or going someplace fancy when you grow up, and now you're about to start deciding what you really do want to do when you're all "grown up" and all of those dreams come back to you in a weird sort of way. Things are no longer, "ohh i want to be an archaeologist when i grow up" but more like, how can i become one, and what course of study do i have to follow. I was a pretty adventurous little kid, and i feel like my sense of adventure is coming back to me; my wanderlust. I think i've been forgetting a lot of the things that were so important to me when i was a kid. From now on it's an adventure.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I've learned so much this weekend.
Did you know that darkness is caused by an accretion of "black air" which is essentially a staining of the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions too fine to be seen with the naked eye, as well as industrail activities involving coal-tar by-products and vegetable dyes? What about the fact that sleep is simply a succession of fainting-fits brought on by semi-asphyxiation due to the affore mentioned concept? This makes room for the idea that death is merely a collapse of the heart from a lifetime of fits and fainting to stand true.
-de Selby,

my chili plants have started to grow. i sprouted chili plants. i have growing, chili plants.

The snow was beautiful today. I usually don't enjoy snow much anymore because it really puts a damper on bicycle rides, but today i was really able to see it's essence of beauty. Whatever, i took Kashi for the most dangerous hike she probably has ever/will go on, but we had a great time in the snow. I wonder what this guy de Selby would have to say on the subject of snow? There was snow on all of the trees and just the right amount of sun and cold were being mixed in the atmosphere. This is where i begin to get a little embarassed because i feel so at home in the middle of the woods which means I'm no longer a mature individual, im more like a little kid. I think about how i really want to live in a city, any city, city somewhere. I want to be in that; the action, the fun, the efficiency and convenience of it all. And then i think of how i love to be in nature. How i love to spend as much time as i can just being isolated and away from stupid humans. And then again i think about how i wanted to live in the city...

For your fulfillment of ambient(ce), listen to The Orb. They are way cool.

Later y'all, it's my bed-time and for once i have no homework.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I just read an entire 200 page book; The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien. I'm drinking some stale mah-tayy too. That book was crazy. If there is north south east and west and the world is round, you will eventually come back to where you started if you walk in a straight line. Thus all directions other than two are rendered useless. Lots of other F'd up stuff too.

I went into walmart to pick up one thing on my way home today. Too bad it is the only grocery on my end of town because when you're heading back to the ranch and you need something you can either go without it or go to wallyworld. I wish i had just gone without it. For my whole of 3 minutes inside of this monstrosity i encountered creatures the likes of which I expect to see in the next Star Wars movie and hydrogenally re-reprocessed foodstuffs. From now on, I resolve to go to Giant or Whole Foods like I normally do, the extra cost is worth the experience.

tay tay is very excited to get to penn state. I will have no summer, but it's going to be the best move of my life. Well at least this far. Wonderful places to ride and they have a very large team so i assume great support, no one making fun of me for being a (college) hippie because i probably won't be the only one in that general classification, no more opressive parents telling me what i like/dont, want/dont etc. because it could go on forever.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Future Farmer

What a nice weekend it has been. I always get to sunday evening in complete dread of having to do my homework. For once i did my homework ahead of time, because i spent probably 2 hours in the dickinson library researching and writing my lit. crit. paper. Relaxing.
Saturday it rained and rained, and then rained some more. Beautiful weather to ride in! And that's just what I did. Saturday was the high school's winter formal at the comfort suites here in Carlem. So, my pretty lady and I got all dressed up and went out to dinner instead. Dances are pretty boring if you ask me. We went to a Moroccan cuisine restaurant that she knew of called Sahara. Very nice, very eclectic little place; we sat in traditional Moroccan seating and ate hummus and eggplant and had Moroccan mint tea.

I am soon to be a farmer. Think i found a new hobby. Right now i am trying to start chili plants so maybe one day i can make hot sauce with. We'll see what happens, im using a 150 watt grow light which i can leave on for a while. So far it's just a learning experience.

And OH, how could i forget? Penn State University Park!! I'm extra excited this time, psu was my first choice of schooling but i lost interest because i never heard back. Until now! To get into main campus as a freshman i have to enroll in the summer session which consists of two 3- or 4- credit courses from mid june to mid august. My summer is gone, but it will be a smooth transition into a school of such massive stature.