Sunday, February 12, 2006

I've learned so much this weekend.
Did you know that darkness is caused by an accretion of "black air" which is essentially a staining of the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions too fine to be seen with the naked eye, as well as industrail activities involving coal-tar by-products and vegetable dyes? What about the fact that sleep is simply a succession of fainting-fits brought on by semi-asphyxiation due to the affore mentioned concept? This makes room for the idea that death is merely a collapse of the heart from a lifetime of fits and fainting to stand true.
-de Selby,

my chili plants have started to grow. i sprouted chili plants. i have growing, chili plants.

The snow was beautiful today. I usually don't enjoy snow much anymore because it really puts a damper on bicycle rides, but today i was really able to see it's essence of beauty. Whatever, i took Kashi for the most dangerous hike she probably has ever/will go on, but we had a great time in the snow. I wonder what this guy de Selby would have to say on the subject of snow? There was snow on all of the trees and just the right amount of sun and cold were being mixed in the atmosphere. This is where i begin to get a little embarassed because i feel so at home in the middle of the woods which means I'm no longer a mature individual, im more like a little kid. I think about how i really want to live in a city, any city, city somewhere. I want to be in that; the action, the fun, the efficiency and convenience of it all. And then i think of how i love to be in nature. How i love to spend as much time as i can just being isolated and away from stupid humans. And then again i think about how i wanted to live in the city...

For your fulfillment of ambient(ce), listen to The Orb. They are way cool.

Later y'all, it's my bed-time and for once i have no homework.

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