This is the first time this year (other than clips on the overhead tv's at the gym) that I've watched the olympics. I dont really find them that interesting, I would rather go out and slide on my own snowboard, but I haven't yet seen enough of them to say they are boring. It would have been so cool to see the ancient Grecian Olympics, it's really too bad that they don't do any sort of fighting events today.Hah! Those guys must have been tougher than, um, railroad ties, yeah; tough. I found out that i really like swimming laps. It's pretty hard, especially since most of the work is done just to keep my skinny self afloat, but its great cardio and a lot of fun. I suppose i should spend more time on the bicycle, but it's hard sometimes with work and school and trying to start planning for college. It's getting close, yesterday i decided that i am going to live in the South Halls during summer ses. Sounded pretty cool, there's a coffee shop, some athlete-oriented dining hall called "Healthy Horizons" and it's close to main drag State College. My list for essential-to-survival items has started with so far:
1. the Espresso machine
2. the Bicycle
3. the Laptop
4. the iPod
and will continue to grow, but learing to live minimalist might be difficult.
I hope there is a Whole Food Store in State College that i might get employment with. Working at the local health nut store has paid off more than i could have ever asked for. I'm always coming home with something whether it's produce that's not pretty enough for the shelf of a bottle of salad dressing with a crack in the lid. Tonight's spoils were 2 lbs of crimini mushrooms. I was also gifted with a student's vegetarian cookbook which should have a recepie to use up some of these mushrooms. I dont see any reason for me to become a vegetarian in the near future, but i hope to be able to cook tasty meatless dishes for my veggie princess.
The bobsled has come on, that looks insane. A couple of guys in a rickety sled going did i hear 80 mph!? down a tunnel of ice. That takes some balls. There's way too much fluff though, who wants to hear about some hometown football jock during the winter olympics?
Time to look for more scholarships.