Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Wow today New York City's Transit Union went on strike and millions of commuters are totally screwed as far as a form of transportation to and from their workplace. How much does that put a damper on your day. Im sure that all the bicycle commuters feel great but what about everyone else who lives surrounding. ID case was overrulled? PETA and Greenpeace allegedly have terrorist connections.

My late afternoon nap didn't prove to be quite sufficient to beat my bug, but at least it's an off week. Now im left to NyQuil. I wonder what that stuff is actually doing to my body.

I'm so ready to start racing, that is if we have bikes this year. I liked my Cannondale Scrapple but i'd rather ride something else. Something with 29" wheels... Someone was talking free Gary Fisher bikes but all is as it goes there really was no such thing. I dont think ive ever been this excited to race at this point in the year. It's funny how putting yourself through so many miles of pain and suffering comes as fun. Once you get used to it and put your hurt aside as Charles Webster would say, you can understand the larger meaning of the sport. Whatever it may mean to different people, it's me.

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