Saturday, March 11, 2006


The era of musical dryness has finally been quenched. I finally took steps in the right direction of warrantying my iPod and should be able to get the latest video iPod. What I'm gonna use a little 2x2 video screen to watch, I don't know, but at least i have more than i need or can use and that's what really counts. Stupid Apple.
Musical reviewsive:
thanks to ryber for telling me about Deep Dish. They're a good listen, especially "Flashdance." It rocks some sweet electro-guitar and sexxy vocals that make me wanna grind it, which is quite unusuall for a whitey like myself. I spent twenty minutes today dancing around my kitchen to it while i made lunch. I damn well sure am going to see them live. In my saturday night slump after punching it at work, i did some myspacing and was excited to find the KOC because, I want to be, Erlend O.y.e.

Hard effort training stuff is hurts. Maybe that's why it's called hard effort and not like, nice! effort or glad! effort... I wonder if any of this is actually making me any faster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

deepdish this weekend in NYC...wes and I may be rolling up to it. check it out at don't forget

yes. see you soon.