Thursday, October 19, 2006


Pure creativity in the place of residence. Check it out.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

And, it's raining

I feel like a major slacker; miniscule amount of work has been done this week and it feels like even less to me. Thank's to my father, my work ethic is incredibly overbearing, being such that when I'm not busting my balls into slivers to get something of anything done, my conscience rots my insides into the bottom most layer of your compost pile. Important point here is that even though im a procrastinator and slacker, I hate the feeling that I'm not doing the right work or the work that i need to be doing when in actual reality there isn't any work to be done at all.
NYC tomorrow; hopefully. I've been pretty 50-50 on it. Just like the soda that my grandfather used to get me when i was little. "50-50" It was some good stuff; 50 of it was lemon and the other 50 lime. This weekend is the Michigan State game. The superbowl of PSU college football. I have no ticket of course, but it's still the weekend that we're playing Michigan State. Good time for me to get out.
Have fun.